Hello welcome ladies and gents we're back for our full moon forecast, New Moon was done on Instagram if your not following you should dizzyflowwiddit,Thank you. Welcome back Tribe members and new Tribe members please sign up/subscribe to the website for future updates. If not alrighty then. Lets start with my 1st discipline.......Gemini's let's see what's going on shall we.......
You got 6, 10,7 and the energy is like this. You have Capricorn Virgo taurus, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Jupiter Mars. This mixture is showing a battle and justice is pulling through Mars is action Jupiter is luck yet the way your moving isn't showing much progress. Because your focus on the wrong things and you can't enjoy the side of people attaching themselves to you draining you and then your like okay it's okay . You also need to continue working on you Gemini. Authority card came out for you look for guidance. Have patience in work / health. You gotta alot of mental energy going on right now. Especially with mercury sitting in Capricorn and Mars because that pushes hardwork and you may become restless. Be easy take it day by day hour by hour.Ase if this didn't resonate Maybe next read Thanks again
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