Hello Tribe Members:
For classes whether you sign up for day or evening classes, you're required to have all the items listed below...
A positive mind frame(another mind frame we do work with)BUT a positive one is always great.
A sage bundle, Palo Santo stick around for when it's needed to be used during course.
Construction paper with stickers,markers,crayons, glitter many/any products you may want to add.if you can't get fabric for our spiritual Bible we will be creating.Then a binder will do just fine...we will be making and then laminating each one when we're done creating.
(IF YOU NEED I CAN ALWAYS MAIL THE PAPER TO LAMINATE YOUR PAGES. Its fine if maybe it has candle wax you would just have to take time when laminating ,Great time for bonding with families also and retalking out what was learned that session...)P.s even though I have one I will make one with my class being this my 1st actual class with the public in a group setting. 1st class is like No other experience right we are experiencing all the 1st mishaps 1st everything. Thank you for being so perfectly imperfect.
An open mind to the universe,law of attraction, dynamics of mind,body,soul, psychology, and many different religions and how they all intertwine..
A yoga mat, Shanti bowl, Crystals that you use to meditate with because the last 30 mins will be 15 mins of yoga and 15 mins of meditation to end our sessions...
Yogapants,Sweatpants, and or fitted shirt that won't fall as you're stretching....(whatever your comfortable in that gives u no restrictions)
Try to not Have any food just yet if you must keep it light fruit, and we will have tea time in the beginning of our talks. So if you don't have herbs to make the tea from scratch,it's okay u can use whatever tea u have that has that similar attributes we are tapping into during that particular session.
If anyone would like to start a slow detox from sugar, and electronics,message me privately.
You will need a space in the house for days that are raining (if your location/weather is permitting most class will be outside the last 30 mins of each session)Other then that I hope you have a work area to be crafty and take notes down, DURING OUR SESSIONS with your family or whomever you're including....
If you have any further questions message/email us directly. Their will be updates everyday until class starts,on the actually website and if u would like to have the Mobil link for the app. No problem just let our team know.. and we will email or text the link!